Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Introduction to Plant Physiology


Introduction to Plant Physiology

How plants do things :

     Interact with water, minerals (tissues & cells)
     Interconvert energy (light, chemical forms)
     Make chemical compounds
     Control what goes on chemically in cells
     Respond to the environment
     Develop from seeds into trees (etc.)

How plants work or functions:

     The physiology of nutrition and metabolism which deals with the uptake, transformations, and release of materials, and also their transportation within and between the cells and organs of the plant;
     The physiology of growth, development, and reproduction, which is concerned with these aspects of plant function; and
      Environmental physiology, which seeks to understand the manifold responses of plants to the environment.

Relationship between plant physiology and other subjects:

• Basic sciences: botanybiochemistrybiophysicsmolecular biology, computer science.
• Relative subjects: genetics, cell biology, ecology, chemistry.
• Later subjects: function genomics of plant, gene transform in plant, plant culture and breeding etc.

Scope of Plant Physiology:

      In agriculture fields
      In horticulture
      In forestry
      In medicine
      In food production
      In textiles
      In timber and wood industry

Applications of Plant Physiology:

      In increasing agricultural productivity
      In production of food
      Producing fodder for cattle
      Producing fibers for clothing
      Producing wood for furniture and building purposes.
      In control of soil fertility, pollution & mineral requirements
      Applied in genetic engineering
      In breeding technology
      In soil management
      In seed treatment
Ø  The knowledge of soil-water plant relationship & effective & efficient use of nutrients enhances crop productivity.
Ø  The knowledge of photoperiodism & vernalization process helps to cultivate the off-season crop plant.


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